On Wednesday, February 3, 2021, Glyph <gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
> Docs in the tree always win.
> Let's start deleting them now, and replacing them with links to the
> in-tree docs, rather than updating them.  They've been skewing out of date
> for a long time.  When I was looking for information about how to do a
> revert, I found wiki docs about linking to revisions in Subversion which
> didn't mention Github, which gives a flavor for how outdated some of this
> stuff is.
> Thomas, would you mind doing the honors for this document?  Links for
> process docs should probably be to https://docs.twistedmatrix.
> com/en/latest/ since, for process information (unlike API information),
> trunk should be authoritative, not the latest release.


Thanks for the clarification.

This seems like a reasonable direction to follow moving forward.

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