
Since upgrading from Debian Jessie, I see the following UI quirks on Trojita 0.7 and git's trojita@origin/master (a86db1a):

+ The icons are now all brown rather than blue.

+ In the top left hand corner, the connection icon/button has different icons than before. Now the "Offline" and "Free Access" icons are both the same brown folder with a little pipe at the bottom. This makes them visually indistinguishable which is annoying as those are the modes that I use the most and it's good to know when it's gone Offline unexpectedly. The "Expensive Connection" icon seems to have remained as before.

Since moving from 0.7 to trojita@origin/master (a86db1a) I also see the following regressions:

+ At startup, whether or not the main menu is shown, the "hamburger" menu is shown to the right of the connection icon/button. Clicking this and selecting "Show Main Menu Bar" until it goes away fixes the problem but needs to be done every time Trojita is started. If the hamburger menu and the icon are both visible, this needs to be done twice otherwise it only needs to be done once.

I currently see the following messages on stderr/out with trojita@origin/master (a86db1a). I'm not sure when this started because I didn't run it in a terminal until I built it from source:

Couldn't find out which mailbox is "INBOX.q.p" when parsing a STATUS reply
Couldn't find out which mailbox is "INBOX.a.b" when parsing a STATUS reply
Couldn't find out which mailbox is "INBOX.a.c" when parsing a STATUS reply
Couldn't find out which mailbox is "INBOX.q.p.r" when parsing a STATUS reply Couldn't find out which mailbox is "INBOX.q.p.r" when parsing a STATUS reply

I've redacted the mailbox names, but renamed them consistently. So, the q.p.r mentioned in the last two lines is indeed the same mailbox.

In the q.p.r case all the mailboxes (q, q.p and q.p.r) exist and contain mail.

In the a.b and a.c case, I can't remember whether mailbox a exists, and the UI for the icons doesn't give me any clues. If a exists then it is empty.

Aside from the message on stderr/out, the mailboxes appear to work normally and can be selected without any further lines appearing on stderr/out.

I'm subscribed to all the mentioned mailboxes and the UI is set to only display subscribed mailboxes.

I'm not sure what's special about these mailboxes: it may be that they are the only ones that have children deeper than INBOX. I have a few other mailboxes in the shared namespace (user.x.y.z rather than INBOX.x.y.z) that are also similarly nested but these do not generate similar messages.

Best wishes,


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