
I'm more on the conservative side here. I'd rather drop a feature instead of allowing e.g. facebook to track all visitors. But it's hard to define which third party content is ok and which not.

On Friday, November 29, 2013 8:32:57 PM CEST, Caspar Schutijser wrote:
To avoid loading stuff from third party websites, we can put the
CSS and JavaScript files on the Trojita website. Regarding the
GitHub iframes; that's something we should think about a little
more, indeed.

A nice (but not so easy) way would be to have placeholders that you have to click to load the actual third party content. In Germany there was a discussion about facebook like buttons and in this discussion a new like button was created that you had to click twice (once to load the content from facebook it and once to actually "like" something). I like the idea.


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