Hi all,

On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 23:33:42 CEST, Jan Kundrát wrote:
The use of JS is not a problem, IMHO, but loading 3rd party scripts or HTML iframes is something we should talk about.

I agree.

Yes, this isn't about necessity. The code for showing a list of commits is not here yet, either -- it's just one random idea which crossed my mind when I was reviewing the redesing (it already incorporates some github buttons).

What we can do as well, of course, is put one of these "Fork me on
GitHub" buttons on the website. I think it will attract some people
to look into the git repository, and at the same time we don't need
to include scripts from other website.

If the functionality of the website stays roughly the same,
I don't see why we would have a lot of extra work on maintaining
the website.

Right; but on the other hand, we might have some poeple do this work for us at no or negligible cost to us.

That's true, probably the initial work is the biggest amount of

The in-progress redesign I was shown loads some CSS from Google's website, some JS from some CDN I've never heard about, and embeds a couple of GitHub iframes.

To avoid loading stuff from third party websites, we can put the
CSS and JavaScript files on the Trojita website. Regarding the
GitHub iframes; that's something we should think about a little
more, indeed.

Best regards,
Caspar Schutijser

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