On Wednesday, 12 June 2013 18:02:13 CEST, Vayu wrote:
Thanks, I just compiled from Git and now it is saving my positions. It doesn't save my column sort order though.
I guess this could be added, even though it's a rather expensive operation on servers without support for CONTEXT=SORT (and no servers doing that are in the wild). So this is a matter of preference -- do we want to waste bandwidth by requesting data all over again, whenever a new message arrives, or do we force users to use the default sort order on restart?
Also, Is there a way to have it start in the inbox?
Not yet, please file a feature request about that. It's not going to be very trivial due to the asynchronous nature of IMAP, so it will take some time before it's implemented.
The way it is now, a messages is displayed as soon as I select it. I'm forced to see the content of emails I don't want to see and I have to go through an extra step to see the messages I do want to see. I can move the message view until it's not visible, but a message is still marked read when I select it. (and I'm stuck with 2 opens to see a message with images)
Thanks for a detailed overview, your use case makes sense. I've made a change [1] which will prevent loading a message (and marking it as read) when the message pane is collapsed away. I'm not sure whether adding a checkbox which will enable loading of remote images all the time is the way to go. Perhaps an option for specifying the whitelisted domains makes more sense? Or is the granularity of domains a wrong one here? I'd like to hear opinions, both from you and from other people on the list. Cheers, Jan [1] https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110978/ -- Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/