Georg Koppen:
>>> Most of them are middle relays (non exit relays).
>>> total guard probability: 3.6%
>>> total middle probability: 10.1%
>>> +-----------------------+----------+
>>> | as_name               |   relays |
>>> +-----------------------+----------+
>>> | Microsoft Corporation |      254 |
>> all of those that used to run at at Microsoft 
>> left (or got kicked?) on 2020-09-19 20:00
> They did not get kicked out.

I guess you mean "did not get kicked out by Dir Auths", maybe Microsoft did? 
Let's ask them.

> These 600 (and other) are easy to block in torrc:
> ExcludeNodes Unnamed,default,ididnteditheconfig

tor's man page disagrees:
       ExcludeNodes node,node,...
           A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address
           patterns of nodes to avoid when building a circuit.


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