On 10/6/20 10:02 PM, joebtfs...@gmx.com wrote:
On 10/6/20 6:09 PM, Matthew Finkel wrote:
Do you have Firefox installed and does it use a different cursor theme?
Tor Browser does not (intentionally) bundle a special/specific cursor
theme, Tor Browser should use whichever theme that Firefox uses, unless
there's a good reason we should use a different one.
Yes, Firefox (Mozilla's vers.) is installed & uses all custom cursor
themes I installed.
Edit: I jacked around with the default cursor theme, specified "default"
under */usr/share/icons/default*, where DMZ-Black has a "cursor.theme"
file. For now, TBB uses the few cursor theme sets that shipped with
Mint. Either mostly white or black.
I'll answer my own question, for anyone with this problem in the future.
I think there were several things going on. There may be slight
differences in some Linux distros, how they want cursor themes installed;
the exact method & syntax of a file(s) specifying the default theme. I
can only speak confidently how Linux Mint 18 handles cursor themes.
Apparently, one problem was permissions - on the
folder, containing all cursor theme images. Extracting the theme in
question (from zip file, like many 3rd party cursor themes), didn't make
or set permissions on the "cursors" folder, same as native or repo
installed cursor themes.
Lots of cursor theme tutorials say you MUST add (or edit) a
/usr/share/icons/"default" folder; then put an *"index.theme"* file in
the default folder, containing:
[Icon Theme]
Even though that line is often found in the "cursor.theme" file in repo
installed & 3rd party cursor themes.
Most of the articles, posts I read were about *Mint v18.x or 19.x, w/
Cinnamon*. Most were wrong on how to set a default cursor theme / where
Mint 18.x -Cinnamon would look for this value.
In Mint 18.x w/ Cinnamon DE, TBB & all apps I checked (even if running
under Wine) use the cursor theme selected in Settings > Themes > "mouse
pointer," which is stored under "cursor-theme" in dconf path:
*org.cinnamon.desktop.interface.* Or the same dconf path for Gnome DE, etc.
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