On Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 05:57:54PM -0500, joebtfs...@gmx.com wrote:
> This is in Linux Mint 18.1 - Cinnamon.
> I know all cursor themes installed in my Mint installation.
> After a fairly recent Tor Browser update - a few months?? ago, the
> "default" mouse pointer TBB used and the weird "select live links"
> pointer & others all changed to icons I've never seen. For years, it
> used to use the Settings/ selected cursor theme -  same as all other apps.
> Now, TBB is the ONLY app that doesn't use the selected cursor theme.
> Any ideas?

Do you have Firefox installed and does it use a different cursor theme?
Tor Browser does not (intentionally) bundle a special/specific cursor
theme, Tor Browser should use whichever theme that Firefox uses, unless
there's a good reason we should use a different one.
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