On 10/6/20 2:21 PM, Gaba wrote:
> On 10/6/20 10:10 AM, d...@foundingdocuments.org wrote:
>> Not too long ago I used Tor Browser to visit a website and found I was 
>> rejected completely. Not even a captcha. Clicking new circuit many times 
>> didn’t help either. 
>> At least their site wasn’t just a stiff arm giving me the finger. It 
>> actually had a note saying if I thought it was blocked in error to contact 
>> them. Of course it had a tracking number and time stamp.
>> So I sent them a screen shot of my browser window and this short note: 
>>> Your website blocks me from using it. Most likely your website is blocking 
>>> EVERYONE who uses the Tor Browser. This is not good for business. It keeps 
>>> me from getting the info I want. 
>>> Respectfully, [my name]
>>> [State in USA]
>> A day or two later I heard back. It was gracious enough but supposedly the 
>> blocking was to protect customers (ahem, me) and themselves “from possible 
>> illicit activity.” 
>> After a few days on the back burner, I wrote them back and asked: what was 
>> illicit or illegal with me trying to learn their business hours. And I 
>> provided a bunch of v2 & v3.onion addresses to some popular and well known 
>> organizations to show there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with Tor. 
>> But since I considered it a possibility they don’t run their own website, 
>> and that possibly those who do may be pocketing a slice of the cost for 
>> blocking people like me, I also printed out my reply and took it to the 
>> store. Then I would have a bit more confidence someone at the actual 
>> business would know what happened. 
>> On my next trip to the store I talked with the person at the customer 
>> service area, gave them my printout, and tried to explain how great Tor is. 
>> It was a good conversation and since the guy was interested in computers we 
>> hit it off, and he learned a few things. 
>> It wasn’t until a month or two later I used Tor Browser to look at their 
>> website. I was very pleased they’d stopped blocking Tor exit nodes. And I’m 
>> pleased to report they still don’t block Tor. 
> Great story! thanks for sharing it here.

Besides being a great story, it does push some of us who just accept
things the way they are.

More often than not with smaller www sites, I'd assume it's a
click-click-click configuration in some www admin interface that blocks
Tor user access by default.

Do we have any templated message to send to sites that block Tor IPs?  A
quick internet search says we don't.

Is that something you'd want to hack away at Drew? You're already
batting 1.000 on this from my box scores...

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