Just to add to my last comment, I'm asking:

Is there a way for a non-exit node to (in some form) be recorded as the
login IP? "Freja" is a "fast" and "guard" router (among other flags -

On Wed, July 1, 2020 4:34 am, Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 10:13:37PM -0000, sean_sulli...@danwin1210.me
> wrote:
>> I have questions about the Tor node “freja”.
>> First, according to https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/, the node is at
>> which is in Italy. Yet WHOIS says the addresses
>> are in Pune, India. The last IP from a
>> ‘traceroute’ is and is in ‘IT’
>>  (Italy) which suggests that https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/ is correct.
>> Why would WHOIS inaccurately (I think) say the IP is in India?
> whois, and geoip databases, are notoriously inaccurate. This is a fine
> illustration that it's not good to rely on them for situations that really
> matter.
> In particular, there's a pattern where some European country "loans"
> an address block to somewhere in Africa or Asia, and then takes it back a
> few years later, but nobody bothers updating whois for a while.
> This pattern is also illustrated by some of the periodic spikes we have
> of hundreds of thousands of new Tor users in Uganda -- they're actually Tor
> users in Germany, but the geoip is wrong.
> (To make things more exciting, sometimes there *are* spikes of many Tor
> users in Uganda. But it means every time you see a pattern on one of the
> metrics graphs, you have to wonder what you're actually seeing.)
>> Second, according to https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/, “freja” is not an
>> exit node. But if you use...
>> StrictNodes 1
>> ExitNodes freja
>> ...then TBB will load the purple introductory screen “Explore.
>> Privately.”
>> (I tried with other non-exit nodes and TBB typically gets stuck on
>> “Requesting Relay Information” and never loads the purple screen).
>> However, then “freja” will not load any pages.
>> So if it’s not an exit node, why does the introductory screen load?
> Tor Browser's "about:tor" screen is served locally -- it does not come
> from any remote website.
> This is one of the Tor Browser usability improvements from some years
> ago, where "making users wait for their Tor to bootstrap, and then fetch a
>  remote page, before the browser window appears" is no fun so we fixed
> it.
> --Roger
> --
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