I have questions about the Tor node freja. First, according to https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/, the node is at which is in Italy. Yet WHOIS says the addresses are in Pune, India. The last IP from a traceroute is and is in IT (Italy) which suggests that https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/ is correct.
Why would WHOIS inaccurately (I think) say the IP is in India? Second, according to https://torstatus.rueckgr.at/, freja is not an exit node. But if you use... StrictNodes 1 ExitNodes freja ...then TBB will load the purple introductory screen Explore. Privately. (I tried with other non-exit nodes and TBB typically gets stuck on Requesting Relay Information and never loads the purple screen). However, then freja will not load any pages. So if its not an exit node, why does the introductory screen load? Thanks. -- tor-talk mailing list - tor-talk@lists.torproject.org To unsubscribe or change other settings go to https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-talk