
The reason you find the answers confusing is because the whole thing is
confusing. A lot of what you see advertised by hosts is somehow
misleading. For example they advertise a 1000 mb/s network speed and
then they give you 3 TB of bandwidth. The truth is that even if you have
a sustained network speed of 100 mb/s, you'll be using 32.8 TB of
bandwidth for the month. To use 3 TB a month, you need to have a
sustained upload speed of 9 mb/s which is far below the speeds of a home

As for the math, use [the Hosting bandwidth converter on this yet
another confusing

The second confusing part is that just because you set your
RelayBandwidthRate to whatever number, it doesn't mean you'll be
relaying that much. It could be a lot less depending on a lot of factors
and especially during the first month or two and a lot more depending on
your RelayBandwidthBurst. So you can't just set that numbers and be sure
of the outcome.

Your best choice would be to change provider, pay much less and get a
lot more bandwidth. The second best answer is what @Bauruine suggested.
Set your daily used bandwidth to 100 GB assuming DO, like most hosts,
only charges for uploads.


AccountingMax 100 GBytes
AccountingStart day 00:00


This basically means from midnight to midnight, you'd be relaying 100 GB
upload 100 GB download and then hibernate until the next day. Not my
personal favourite but an option nonetheless.

On 3/31/2023 3:34 PM, sysmanager7 via tor-relays wrote:
> Greetings all!
> Setting up a new Digital Ocean Tor Relay. DO is giving me 3000 Gig a
> month. Is there a tutorial that I can use to calculate the bandwidth?
> I've searched around the web and for some reason people seem to dance
> around the question.  They give examples not relevant to me and zero
> math showing how the came to their answer.
> As usual, any help will be appreciated :-)
>    Sysmanager7
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