On Saturday, April 9, 2022 9:36:40 AM CEST onion...@riseup.net wrote:
> Hello, I have a question for other operators of the Tor. I started the
> nodes recently. On yui.cat status is displayed as offline
> (https://yui.cat/family/F81C34435CA08B81105B3C77CF29EE7824652BFB/,
> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/family:8CD3507662A9946899CFE37
> BAA49B6AA58ED3E1D)? I did everything according to the instructions, the
> server work, the Tor process is running. Yesterday everything was displayed
> normally on yui.cat. I'm new relay operator, I do not know why it happens.

30 new exits at Frantec. Did you follow the AUP and send Francisco a ticket 
_beforehand_? Reverse DNS! Exit policy Port: 465, 587! 

You only set up IPv4. At Frantek you also have IPv6 on every VM. If you need 
help setting it up, you can ask here and specify your OS.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

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