Regards to your bandwidth for a bridge, your speeds seem fine. It is more
than enough to handle multiple people at once. Just make sure that you have
enough resources to go with it.

With the warning, did you restart the service and check the logs?

Any errors can be posted here allowing us to help you better.

Thanks for running a Tor Bridge and helping fight censorship!


On Tue, 22 Mar 2022 at 13:29, <> wrote:

> I think I figured it out. Seems DirPort was commented out.
> I am getting a warning that my contact info isn't set. I uncommented that
> section and put a name and email address. Also uncommented the Nickname.
> Still getting the warning.
> Just curious, what are the bandwidth requirements to be a bridge? I'm on a
> 'consumer router' and have around 400 Mbs u/l and 200 Mbs d/l
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tor-relays <> On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: [tor-relays] Newbie needs help
> Hi,
> Thanks for adding me to the list.
> I setup a Tor Relay in Docker using this image:
> Its running, so how can I test it? When I try to access it using port 9001,
> I'm unable to connect. I have opened the port on my firewall to the public.
> Haven't done it on my router yet but I have Portainer running in Docker and
> have no problem accessing it.
> Not a lot of instructions that I can find. I can post the torrc file but
> it's the same as the one on the docker page.
> ### /etc/torrc ###
> # see /etc/torrc/torrc.default and
> # Server's public IP Address (usually automatic) #Address
> # Port to advertise for incoming Tor connections.
> # common ports are 9001, 443
> ORPort 9001
> # Mirror directory information for others (optional) # common ports are
> 9030, 80 #DirPort 9030
> # Run as a relay only (not as an exit node)
> ExitPolicy reject *:*         # no exits allowed
> # Set limits
> #RelayBandwidthRate 1024 KB   # Throttle traffic to
> #RelayBandwidthBurst 2048 KB  # But allow bursts up to
> #MaxMemInQueues 512 MB        # Limit Memory usage to
> # Run Tor as obfuscated bridge
> #ServerTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy managed
> #ServerTransportListenAddr obfs3 #BridgeRelay 1
> # Run Tor only as a server (no local applications) SocksPort 0
> # Run Tor as a regular user (do not change this) User debian-tor
> DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
> # If no Nickname or ContactInfo is set, docker-entrypoint will use # the
> environment variables to add Nickname/ContactInfo here
> #Nickname Tor4                 # only use letters and numbers
> #ContactInfo
> I've only been using docker for a few days, so maybe its an issue there.
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