
Thanks for adding me to the list.

I setup a Tor Relay in Docker using this image:

Its running, so how can I test it? When I try to access it using port 9001,
I'm unable to connect. I have opened the port on my firewall to the public.
Haven't done it on my router yet but I have Portainer running in Docker and
have no problem accessing it.

Not a lot of instructions that I can find. I can post the torrc file but
it's the same as the one on the docker page.

### /etc/torrc ###
# see /etc/torrc/torrc.default and

# Server's public IP Address (usually automatic)

# Port to advertise for incoming Tor connections.
# common ports are 9001, 443
ORPort 9001

# Mirror directory information for others (optional)
# common ports are 9030, 80
#DirPort 9030

# Run as a relay only (not as an exit node)
ExitPolicy reject *:*         # no exits allowed

# Set limits
#RelayBandwidthRate 1024 KB   # Throttle traffic to
#RelayBandwidthBurst 2048 KB  # But allow bursts up to
#MaxMemInQueues 512 MB        # Limit Memory usage to

# Run Tor as obfuscated bridge
#ServerTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy managed
#ServerTransportListenAddr obfs3
#BridgeRelay 1

# Run Tor only as a server (no local applications)
SocksPort 0

# Run Tor as a regular user (do not change this)
User debian-tor
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor

# If no Nickname or ContactInfo is set, docker-entrypoint will use
# the environment variables to add Nickname/ContactInfo here
#Nickname Tor4                 # only use letters and numbers
#ContactInfo em...@example.org

I've only been using docker for a few days, so maybe its an issue there.


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