Hi ,

I would try the following:

ExitPolicy accept [::]:20-21 # FTP, SSH, telnet
ExitPolicy accept [::]:23 # FTP, SSH, telnet
ExitPolicy accept [::]:43 # WHOIS
ExitPolicy reject *:*

I would recommend that you block outgoing email ports instead of trying to block out all IPv4 traffic. I've never had any problems with ISPs and I ban outgoing email and SSH.
I'm not happy with it, but it's better than being discredited by ISPs.

On 2/16/22 13:45, yl wrote:
Hello all,
how can I used a reduced exit policy and don't allow any IPv4 exit traffic?

The following line in the top of all the ExitPolicy lines in torrc seems not to work.
ExitPolicy reject*

What is the order I needed here, first "reject" and then accept or the other way around?

Reduced Exit policy like here:

Webtropia was a bit unhappy lately when UCEprotect listed the whole /24 for some reason I still don't understand.

But then I thought, why not disable IPv4 exit traffic, there is so many IPv6 resources that a IPv6 only Exit should still be fine.

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