On Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:45:51 PM CET yl wrote:

> how can I used a reduced exit policy and don't allow any IPv4 exit traffic?
I don't think IPv6 only works. AFAIK, exits must have at least port 80,443 and 
53 open on IPv4.

> The following line in the top of all the ExitPolicy lines in torrc seems
> not to work.
> ExitPolicy reject*
What are you putting them for? All private addresses are rejected by default.

> What is the order I needed here, first "reject" and then accept or the
> other way around?
No, as always, first come first served.

> Reduced Exit policy like here:
> https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/ReducedExitPolicy
You can also take it like this. I would also delete port 22, then there would 
be fewer abuse mails.

Before changing exit policies, read 'man torrc' carefully. SERVER OPTIONS 
ExitPolicy* and IPv6Exit.

> But then I thought, why not disable IPv4 exit traffic, there is so many
> IPv6 resources that a IPv6 only Exit should still be fine.
Unfortunately, the IPv6 traffic on my relays is often close to 0 for months.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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