On 01/02/2017 06:56 AM, Aeris wrote:
>>> Tor model breaks down when facing a modest government adversary for the
>>> simple reason that having only 7000 relays total, with a minority of
>>> them carrying most of the traffic, invites cheap infiltration and
>>> takeover by state adversaries.
>> Yeah, that's a problem :(
> That’s a theorical problem.
> Currently, most of the major guard operators are well known people and no 
> doubt they’re not engaged with three-letter agencies.
> https://github.com/ornetstats/stats/blob/master/o/main_guard_operators.txt

Good. That's what I had assumed. So a major infiltration would be hard
to hide. Those "well known people" would need to be covert operatives.
And deploying covert operatives long-term is nontrivial.

> Regards,
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