
As said Moritz, you can verify the ORPort you set up in the torrc config
file, is opened in your router config, and forwarded to your Tor server
internal LAN IP.

+ When you start Tor service in your Debian, you will have some logs to
verify if it's ok, and may be the problem will be showned :
tail -f /var/log/tor/notices.log
--> ctrl-c to terminate the live log view.
--> if in your /etc/tor/torrc file, the logs are set up to :
Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log

+ Verify in the torrc file, may be your previous WAN IP has stay :
Address noname.example.com (your previous WAN IP address)
--> you can comment this with #, it's usually automatically working nice.
#Address noname.example.com

Hope this helps.

Le 08/05/2016 23:06, ludo0...@dbmail.com a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to this forum - so just very quickly, this about me :
> I have been a GNU-Linux-Debian user since 2005. I now use Debian
> 7/wheezy with TBB in its latest version.
> The reason that makes me get in touch with you is  that I am pretty
> desperate and I hope somebody can help me.
> (As my problem is most probably connected to my telephone and internet
> service provider in France, it might be that somebody from France
> reading these lines could be more likely to help me).
> Until last November I was using a DartyBox. With that, everything worked
> all right.
> As I have been a user of TBB for quite some time, I wished to set up a
> relay on my computer, and, as Nicolas (previously from help-fr) advised
> me, I installed the tor package from Debian, had it configured, and my
> tor relay obviously worked.
> Then my previous telephone and internet service provider DartyBox wanted
> to get rid of its clients, and I subscribed to become a customer of
> BouyguesBox.
> Unfortunately whereas I haven't changed anything to the configuration of
> my computer, my tor relay doesn't work any more!
> As other programs seem no longer to function (e.g. ekiga, jitsi-meet
> through chromium), I suspect that there is a problem with the settings
> of the firewall on the BouyguesBox that will not allow the relay to get
> in touch with the outside world...?
> When "the firewall contains no rule", "as a standard settings the box
> blocks all unwanted traffic", says the BouguesBox. However that's also
> what the DartyBox said in the past, but that one did let through enough
> traffic in order for me to be able to take part in a Jitsi.meet conference !
> So I don't really understand what is missing or lacking with the present
> BouyguesBox.
> Does anyone among those of you based in France think that they could
> make any suggestions as to how I could solve this problem?
> Especially which configuration of the firewall I should try and how to
> design, i.e. right, the rules governing the firewall.
> Thank you very much in advance for your support.
> ludo0565
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