Hello everyone, I am new to this forum - so just very quickly, this about me : I have been a GNU-Linux-Debian user since 2005. I now use Debian 7/wheezy with TBB in its latest version.
The reason that makes me get in touch with you is that I am pretty desperate and I hope somebody can help me. (As my problem is most probably connected to my telephone and internet service provider in France, it might be that somebody from France reading these lines could be more likely to help me). Until last November I was using a DartyBox. With that, everything worked all right. As I have been a user of TBB for quite some time, I wished to set up a relay on my computer, and, as Nicolas (previously from help-fr) advised me, I installed the tor package from Debian, had it configured, and my tor relay obviously worked. Then my previous telephone and internet service provider DartyBox wanted to get rid of its clients, and I subscribed to become a customer of BouyguesBox. Unfortunately whereas I haven't changed anything to the configuration of my computer, my tor relay doesn't work any more! As other programs seem no longer to function (e.g. ekiga, jitsi-meet through chromium), I suspect that there is a problem with the settings of the firewall on the BouyguesBox that will not allow the relay to get in touch with the outside world...? When "the firewall contains no rule", "as a standard settings the box blocks all unwanted traffic", says the BouguesBox. However that's also what the DartyBox said in the past, but that one did let through enough traffic in order for me to be able to take part in a Jitsi.meet conference ! So I don't really understand what is missing or lacking with the present BouyguesBox. Does anyone among those of you based in France think that they could make any suggestions as to how I could solve this problem? Especially which configuration of the firewall I should try and how to design, i.e. right, the rules governing the firewall. Thank you very much in advance for your support. ludo0565
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