> On 8 May 2016, at 16:17, Ravi Nimsons <ravi.nims...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have tried everything possible following information on all the forums 
> available and am frustrated as I cannot access Tor.
> Whenever I try to initiate Tor, I can see the processes running firefox.exe 
> for Tor Browser and tor.exe but I do not get the initial pop-up dialog to 
> connect to Tor.
> I have Norton Internet Security and have even deleted and reinstalled the 
> “trusted” programs for the firewall to allow access to.


This isn't the mailing list for helping Tor users, it's for Tor relay operators.
For any more emails on this question, please reply to 

Have you tried whitelisting the other processes that tor runs, like tor.exe?
You might also need to ask Norton how to properly whitelist Tor Browser, rather 
than asking us.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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