++ 21/05/15 22:04 +0200 - Jurre van Bergen:
>I got the same message yesterday, I asked leaseweb to put our exit
>node(hviv103) in a "dirty" ip-block and asked sectoor for a
>clarification on what happened. No reply to date of any party.

This DNSBL has a fairly straightforward listing for an IP-address: ((the 
IP-address itself is a Tor exit-node OR the IP-address is within a /24 
that has some other IP-address with a Tor exit-node) AND the Tor 
exit-node(s) allow clients to connect to a list of about 15 different 
ports). Administrators are supposed to use this list as a scoring 
mechanisme, not for blocking. Of course, any administrator is free to 
use this DNSBL he or she wants. 

There's not much you can do - other than just not running the Tor-node.

Rejo Zenger
E r...@zenger.nl | P +31(0)639642738 | W https://rejo.zenger.nl  
T @rejozenger | J r...@zenger.nl
OpenPGP   1FBF 7B37 6537 68B1 2532  A4CB 0994 0946 21DB EFD4
XMPP OTR  271A 9186 AFBC 8124 18CF  4BE2 E000 E708 F811 5ACF
Signal    0507 A41B F4D6 5DB4 937D  E8A1 29B6 AAA6 524F B68B
          93D4 4C6E 8BAB 7C9E 17C9  FB28 03

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