
I got the same message yesterday, I asked leaseweb to put our exit
node(hviv103) in a "dirty" ip-block and asked sectoor for a
clarification on what happened. No reply to date of any party.

For now, I have shutdown the server.

Sorry to hear :(


On 05/21/2015 09:36 PM, blaatenator wrote:
> Hi all,
> FYI: Yesterday I got the notice below from Leaseweb. I picked them
> because Leaseweb is mentioned in the Good/Bad ISP
> <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs> post.
> Apparently a blacklist named SECTOOR added a whole IP block of
> Leaseweb to block my Exit relay. Since this list is used by some
> bigger corporations, it got some other customers in trouble and they
> asked me to restrict the mentioned ports.
> I understand the reasoning and can't blame them for asking my I guess
> (and since most relevant ports are not mentioned I guess it is not too
> bad), but I found it a bit weird that a whole subnet is being listed.
> On 05/20/2015 03:20 PM, Lesley Koomen wrote:> Dear sir, madam,
> >
> > It appears you are hosting a TOR node on your LeaseWeb IP address.
> > This has resulted in the block of a (part) LeaseWeb IP subnet. (/24)
> > As the subnet is added on the SECTOOR blacklist
> > (http://www.sectoor.de/tor.php) this is affecting customers in the same
> > range as yourself.
> >
> > The SECTOOR blacklist is e.g. implemented by Hotmail, Live and Gmail.
> > This results in other customers not being able to longer use the mail
> > services of these companies.
> > Sectoor TOR DNSBL lists every IP address which is known to run a tor
> > server and allow their clients to connect to one of the following ports:
> >
> >   * Port 25
> >   * Port 194
> >   * Port 465
> >   * Port 587
> >   * Port 994
> >   * Port 6657
> >   * Ports 6660-6670
> >   * Port 6697
> >   * Ports 7000-7005
> >   * Port 7070
> >   * Ports 8000-8004
> >   * Port 9000
> >   * Port 9001
> >   * Port 9998
> >   * Port 9999
> >
> >
> > Therefore, we kindly, yet urgently ask you to disable the connection to
> > the mentioned ports within 24 hours. Failure to comply and respond
> > (confirm) to this warning, will result in a block of your involved IP
> > address(es).
> >
> > Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Lesley Koomen
> > Team Manager Abuse Prevention
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