On January 9, 2015 4:40:51 PM Torizen <tori...@rambler.ru> wrote:
David Serrano:
> On 2015-01-09 12:35:02 (+0000), Torizen wrote:
>> Only Tor exit relays are against EDIS TOS. As far as I can tell EDIS is
>> also listed on the GoodBadISPs on the Tor wiki where it states bridges
>> and non-exit relays are allowed.
>> What worries me is the fact that according to them some new law here in
>> Spain forbids Tor relays.
> Then it would be interesting if they were so kind to point to that
alleged new
> law that was put in place. And if indeed no tor relays are allowed, you could
> update the GoodBadISPs.
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After asking them to tell me exactly what law was forbidding Tor relays
from being placed in Spain I've been told I can still run the relay "for
Scare tactics or just incompetent supporter ? What's your impression ?
tor-relays mailing list
Sincerely yours / Sincères salutations
Sebastian Urbach
Definition of Tor:
10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated
power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and
100% reason to remember the name!
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