Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner:
> See under "Banned applications":
>   *
>     Tor/i2p/similar exit servers (bridge, entry and middle are fine
>     until further notice)
> After reading the document I found out that I'm not allowed to do
> anything with the servers :-) TeamSpeak is also not allowed ... But
> that's just a side note.
> ~ Josef
> Am 09.01.2015 um 13:20 schrieb Torizen:
>> Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner:
>>> Hello Torizen,
>>> I don't think that they ment the law.
>>> Check the ToS of EDIS to see if it's true.
>>> ~Josef
>>> Am 09.01.2015 um 13:00 schrieb Torizen:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've been running a non-exit relay on a EDIS VPS located in Spain for 5
>>>> months.
>>>> Yesterday, without warning, I received an email because apparently I was
>>>> abussing the network and my VPS was suspended.
>>>> I was asked to reduce the amount of traffic Tor is allowed to use and
>>>> after that I received another email where they claimed running a Tor
>>>> relay, or any other "anonymization software", is now forbidden.
>>>> I'm from Spain and this is the first time I've heard of this. Does
>>>> anyone know if this is true?
>>>> Torizen.
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>> Hello,
>> They explicitly stated it was "due to new laws in this country".
>> Regarding the TOS,, the only
>> restriction I see is "EUCD is to be followed depending on circumstances".
>> Torizen.
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Only Tor exit relays are against EDIS TOS. As far as I can tell EDIS is
also listed on the GoodBadISPs on the Tor wiki where it states bridges
and non-exit relays are allowed.

What worries me is the fact that according to them some new law here in
Spain forbids Tor relays.

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