On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:44 AM, David Hill <dh...@mindcry.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:35:00AM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>> ja...@icetor.is wrote:
>> > http://www.coindesk.com/adopt-node-project-aims-bolster-bitcoin-network-security/
>> >
>>      Assuming that the relevant bitcoin programs could be taught to talk
>> SOCKS, then it seems that tor hidden services would, in principle if not
>> in performance, be an ideal solution.  Running those bitcoin "full" nodes
>> as hidden services might well make them less vulnerable to being shut

bitcoind works fine with tor and has some onion full nodes.

>>  Performance of hidden
>> services, however, are severely constrained by the hidden services protocol,
>> which can slow connection times enough to make one consider USnail as a
>> possible alternative, and the need for circuits of 2n-1 relays, which makes
>> access even slower than normal tor circuits of n relays.

Performance of hidden services is actually rather good. ymmv.

> I am using btcd, an alternative full-node implementation written in
> golang.  Find it at https://github.com/conformal/btcd.  It has built in
> proxy support.  The wallet, btcwallet, is separate.  It also has proxy
> support, so that you may connect to btcd over tor or as a tor hidden
> service.  That can be found at https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet.
> bitcoind nodes are a nice target to look for wallets.  But with btcd, I
> run that at home while btcwallet runs on my encrypted laptop which
> connects to btcd over tor.  There is no wallet on my btcd node machine.
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