Hi Moritz,

I apologize for actually responding late. I'm currently performing an "almost 
one-man show" and the workload with the Walla Walla Project is enormous at the 
moment (behind the scenes so to speak). That said, please see my comments 

---- On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:38:05 +0200 Moritz Bartl  wrote ---- 

>Thank you for the Walla Walla! :-) 
You're welcome. Thanks a lot btw for the Twitter post!
>On 18.10.2012 13:29, admin wrote: 
>> So, in fact, hourly, daily and monthly stats all get updated hourly on every 
>> VPS individually. 
>We actually do the same for all torservers.net nodes as documented at 
I see. For your convenience, here is our approach:

root@tailoredvps1:~# crontab -l
59 * * * * /usr/local/bin/vnstat_www.sh

root@tailoredvps1:~# cat /usr/local/bin/vnstat_www.sh
for i in h d m; do
/usr/bin/vnstati -$i -nh -o /var/www/vnstat_"$i".png

>Moritz Bartl 
>tor-relays mailing list 

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