On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:01:13 -0400 (EDT)
"Steve Snyder" <swsny...@snydernet.net> allegedly wrote:

> Is there any justification for a low-bandwidth Tor node?  And if so,
> what is the practical minimum bandwidth needed to actually see any
> traffic?

Yes. I run one. And have run two (or three at one time). I currently
run one on a rented VPS which shovels around 700-750 Meg per month.
The fastest I have run only gave 1Gig of traffic per month. I currently
don't allow exit (but have in the past) following a series of hassles
from my (otherwise quite accomodating) ISP who was getting flak about

I guess I am typical of the low usage "domestic" type user who got fed
up with the impact on his ADSL line of running Tor locally so moved it
to a cheap VPS. I tunnel out to that VPS over SSH when I use Tor and
find that a much better way of accessing the network.

I choose to fund a Tor node because I am a Tor user and I believe in
giving something back to the Tor community by way of thanks. I do not
want, nor do I need, funding for that. 


blog: baldric.net
fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B  72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312

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