I'm upgrading my servers and after the upgrade I loaded qmail. Next I
rsynced the /home/vpopmail/* directories to the new server from the old
server. IMAP works fine but POP is not. In my maillog I get the following
when I try to telnet to port 110:
vpopmail[8268]: vchkpw-webmail:
vpopmail user not found u...@mydomain.com:
I'm guessing I
screwed up some files in /home/vpopmail somewhere but not sure which ones.
/home/vpopmail is owned by vpopmail and the group is vchkpw. I should
state that another problem with this upgrade was caused by the UID of
vpopmail being different from one server to the new server. Aftrer
corecting this that problem went away. Anyway, anyone have any ideas on
what to look for?