All, We just started to see this in the last week. qmail-send seems to be sending multiple copies of messages to any local user, including mailing lists.
It looks like somewhere qmail does not understand that a message ID has completed its delivery. Sample log from /var/log/qmail/current (grep 16509 current): @40000000496babb802756adc new msg 16509 @40000000496babb8027572ac info msg 16509: bytes 4647 from <[]> qp 30193 uid 89 @40000000496babb804eec394 starting delivery 7: msg 16509 to local <ADDRESS-REDACTED> (42 more lines of the same, all to members of the mailing list) @40000000496babcd36ed3dbc end msg 16509 @40000000496bac1d2eb2eee4 new msg 16509 @40000000496bac1d2eb2f2cc info msg 16509: bytes 5736 from <[]> qp 30326 uid 89 @40000000496bac1d30ec874c starting delivery 54: msg 16509 to local <ADDRESS-REDACTED> (42 more lines of the same, all to members of the mailing list) @40000000496bac2a06d64844 end msg 16509 @40000000496bad47270e4c74 new msg 16509 @40000000496bad47270e5444 info msg 16509: bytes 3886 from <ADDRESS-REDACTED> qp 30499 uid 89 @40000000496bad472ecac474 starting delivery 102: msg 16509 to local <ADDRESS-REDACTED> @40000000496bad4730e1e88c end msg 16509 @40000000496bad5b05013254 new msg 16509 @40000000496bad5b0501363c info msg 16509: bytes 60116 from <ADDRESS-REDACTED> qp 30516 uid 89 @40000000496bad5b0557fd14 starting delivery 106: msg 16509 to local <ADDRESS-REDACTED> @40000000496bad5b06326724 end msg 16509 @40000000496baf0712187c04 new msg 16509 @40000000496baf07121883d4 info msg 16509: bytes 5034 from <ADDRESS-REDACTED> qp 30648 uid 89 @40000000496baf0712bf9174 starting delivery 108: msg 16509 to local <ADDRESS-REDACTED> @40000000496baf0712ef63a4 end msg 16509 Any ideas? Thanks, -Matt