Bas Westerbaan writes:
> From a performance perspective BAT ( )
> improves considerably over ML-KEM in certain use cases: its
> ciphertexts and public keys are smaller, but its keygen is slower.

I'll fill in some numbers here, and then point out other options that
remove the "certain use cases" restriction. I'll skip commenting on
security since I'd suggest CFRG as a better venue for that; also, I
won't comment on patents in this message. To be clear, I'm not endorsing
any of the proposals listed below; I'm just giving performance numbers.

Quantitatively, says that BAT-512 has a
521-byte public key, 473-byte ciphertext, 29 million cycles (on Intel
Coffee Lake) for keygen, 11135 cycles for enc, and 59745 cycles for dec.

Kyber-512 has an 800-byte public key, 768-byte ciphertext, 23028 cycles
(, also Coffee Lake)
for keygen, 35172 cycles for enc, and 27404 cycles for dec. includes conversion of bytes and
cycles to dollar costs, in particular showing how to buy 2^51 cycles per
dollar and roughly 2^40 bytes of Internet traffic per dollar. Let's
imagine for purposes of comparison that these are exact numbers. The
total cost of pk+enc+ct+dec is then

    * 0.94 nanodollars for BAT-512 and
    * 1.45 nanodollars for Kyber-512.

Meanwhile BAT-512 keygen is 12.9 nanodollars, so a key doesn't have to
be reused many times before BAT-512 has lower total cost than Kyber-512.

As you note, BAT-512 doesn't score so well when a key is used just once:

    * 13.8 nanodollars for BAT-512 and
    * 1.46 nanodollars for Kyber-512.

It's still not clear that this extreme is actually a problem with
BAT-512. Sending 2MB for a below-average web page is 1800 nanodollars,
and the number of connections per web page has dropped to 10, never mind
the impact of session reuse.

But, for people who are worried about this cost maybe being a problem
for BAT-512, let's pick another competitor: SMAUG-T. shows smaugt1 as
36942 cycles for keygen, 22192 cycles for enc, and 34546 cycles for dec. shows 672 bytes for public key
and 672 bytes for ciphertext. Even if a key is used just once, this
costs just 1.26 nanodollars.

For comparison, a key exchange with fresh X25519 keys costs only about
2^17 cycles on each side (see,
plus sending 2^5 bytes each way, for a total cost (both sides together)
of 0.16 nanodollars. This means

    * 1.62 nanodollars for X25519+kyber512,
    * 1.46 nanodollars for kyber512,
    * 1.42 nanodollars for X25519+smaugt1, and
    * 1.26 nanodollars for smaugt1.

As a side note, I don't know how anyone looking at these numbers would
think that the second line is the right one to aim for. We can't have
security as the top priority because 1.61 nanodollars per key exchange
could be a big problem with gazillions of key exchanges, so we should
move to 1.45 nanodollars but not to 1.26 nanodollars? The second line is
in an uncomfortable position of prioritizing neither security nor cost.

To be clear, SMAUG-T is just one of the proposals that's more efficient
than Kyber. For example, says that
NEV'-512 has a 615-byte public key, a 615-byte ciphertext, 20620 cycles
for keygen (on Haswell), 30787 cycles for enc, and 23841 cycles for dec.
That's just 1.15 nanodollars.

---D. J. Bernstein

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