Open questions about ephemeral key reuse (and I don't know the answers; that's 
why they're open questions) - the answers to these questions may help us guide 
us as to whether to forbid it or not:

- To what extent do the proofs of security for TLS 1.3 depend on the non-reuse 
of key shares (either (EC)DH or KEM or hybrid)?  I asked this question about 5 
years ago (at a NIST conference, not on this list), and I believe the answer 
was "yes", at the time, but the proofs may have advanced (or I might have 
misunderstood the answer).

- To what extent was we concerned about ultralow power devices (battery 
powered)?  After all, reusing previous keys would use less power than creating 
new ones - not a huge amount of power (both ML-KEM and ECDH are fairly power 
efficient), but I could see someone making the case.  Would we take that case 
seriously?  (One could make a similar case about performance, but given the 
overhead of doing a TLS exchange, that's a lesser concern, at least IMHO).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Farrell <>
> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 7:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: [TLS] Re: Disallowing reuse of ephemeral keys
> Hiya,
> On 12/12/2024 17:59, Richard Barnes wrote:
> > My preference order would be 3 > 1 >> 2.
> I agree with the above for reasons already stated on the list.
> Cheers,
> S.

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