This guidance document already exists:





On 26/11/2024, 22:58, "David A. Cooper" <> wrote:

For me, the question of TLS-LTS or TLS 1.3. If TLS-LTS is a bug fix,

then what bugs does it fix that can not be fixed without defining a new

extension? If it were replaced with a guidance document that said

clients and servers MUST only support cipher suites X, Y, and Z, MUST

support encrypt-then-MAC and extended master secret, MUST only

offer/support P-256 for ECDH and RFC 7919 groups for FFDH, etc., what

bugs would still remain that TLS-LTS fixes?


On 11/26/24 6:37 AM, Salz, Rich wrote:

>> The draft isn't a minor change: it makes handshake and record

>> layer changes so everyone would need to install new software and

>> suffer similar compat issues as with a 1.3 update.

> Compare a diff for this versus a 1.3 implementation.  The latter is huge.  Also, the former can be considered as a bugfix that closes security holes. TLS 1.3 also fixes things, but it's not really just a bugfix.





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