I support eventual publication of this (see last paragraph), but the IANA 
considerations (Section 6) does not belong.  First, it is the wrong level of 
review, as Stephen has pointed out; that alone is enough to send the draft back 
to the WG. Even if that is fixed, the instructions to the DE’s are insufficient 
– how are they (we) to decide between two submissions that cover the same item? 
 Really, the proper place for that kind of entry is in the document defining 
them. But I don’t think the WG has the stomach to enforce that kind of thing, 
and that seems to me not an unreasonable view to take.

As a nit “applicability statement” in Sec 5 should also point to the security 
considerations of the draft.

I disagree strongly with Stephen about whether or not this should be published 
at all. Enabling common debug tooling is a good thing to do.

I see that draft-ietf-tls-keylogfile is awaiting references and such.  I 
suggest that draft be pulled back to the WG, the 30 lines from this draft that 
make up Sec 3 and Sec 4 be merged into the basic keylogfile draft, and the 
WGLC, etc., be repeated and this draft be dropped.

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