John Mattsson wrote:
> "Conversely, the fast version prioritizes speed over
> signature size, minimizing the time required to generate
> and verify signatures."
> This is incorrect. The "f" versions only have faster key
> generation and signing. They have slower verification.


  "This document specifies the use of the SLH-DSA algorithm in
   TLS at three security levels.  It includes the small (S) or
   fast (F) versions of the algorithm and allows for the use of
   either SHA-256 [FIPS180] or SHAKE256 [FIPS202] as the hash

The SHA2 parameter sets for security categories 3 and 5 use a
mixture of SHA-256 and SHA-512.  This means that you probably
want to rename the SignatureScheme entries to

   enum {
     slhdsa128s_sha2  (0x0911),
     slhdsa128f_sha2  (0x0912),
     slhdsa192s_sha2  (0x0913),
     slhdsa192f_sha2  (0x0914),
     slhdsa256s_sha2  (0x0915),
     slhdsa256f_sha2  (0x0916),
   } SignatureScheme;


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