I mean "IANA cannot have designated..."

I blame auto-correct.  Or outlook.  Anyone other than me.

On 10/25/24, 10:50 AM, "Salz, Rich"  wrote:

> The following PR creates the TLS Flags sub-registry where we can manage the 
> actual flags. I asserted that the chairs control adding values, which won’t 
> be true once (and if) the registry goes to IANA (it’ll be the DEs: Rich, 
> Nick, and Yoav), and populated the 1st value from the draft: 
> resumption_across_names. Assuming this is good, I will merge the PR.

Apparently IANA can have designated experts control things until the RFC is 

Does this mean we'll need a new RFC to switch things? Or can it be done by IESG 
telling IANA? If the latter, than maybe we do a little dance to say IESG 
designated control to the TLS WG Chairs and then IESG designates control to the 
regular TLS designated experts? But if the proposal you're saying works, great. 
I'm just interested in trying to avoid administrivia while we wait to get this 
new sub-registry into our hot little hands :)

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