> And thinking about the decade+ WebPKI SHA-1 to SHA-2 transition, I do not
> think the main factor was long approval timelines, need to do rigorous
> analysis, or need for rigorous discussion.

So, the WebPKI SHA-1 to SHA-2 transition was a tiny little corner of the SHA-1
to SHA-2 transition. It happened embarrassingly slowly and late, but was
otherwise pretty much a non-event, as WebPKI transitions are not that hard.
Compared to other PKIs, at least. There's a fairly limited number of 
consumers, and they update their software reasonably rapidly for the most 

As I'm sure you're aware, most of the problems with the SHA-2 WebPKI
transition were due to mixing the WebPKI with other ecosystems, like banking
and payments, which do indeed have the characteristics I noted.

Now, the good news is that many of those ecosystems have learned from that
experience, and have absolutely no desire to repeat it. Various groups have
various efforts going on in this area, and are actively discussing their own 
and looking to IETF for guidance, as they will NOT be waiting for the WebPKI
and they will NOT be following the WebPKI's lead this time.

And sorry for the vagueness, many of these private ecosystem discussions
are not public and I have to be a little careful about what I say. Here's one
of them, though, that was created as a direct result of the SHA-2 transition


Over the next 6-12 months we'll probably see lots of announcements from
various ecosystems, regions, stakeholders, verticals, etc as to what their
draft PQC transition plans are. And most of those groups are following the
discussions here very closely.

Focusing most of our discussions on the WebPKI and its needs is part of
what causes other PKIs to become entangled with the WebPKI. We
constantly need to remind ourselves that there's also a world outside of
the WebPKI, and it needs TLS, too. And this is from someone who is
himself very heavily involved in the WebPKI.


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