Eric Rescorla writes:
> It's important to distinguish between two senses of the word "recommend".

I'd expect the first wave of proposals to be asking the WG to say
Recommended=Y for various curve+PQ hybrids.

There will be an annoyingly large number of options on the PQ side---for
example, for different security levels and for patent avoidance---and
I'd expect a tricky discussion of which options to recommend for TLS.

I don't think it's a good idea to wait until then to figure out the
curve side. I'd like us to simplify the curve side by focusing on
X25519+PQ, just like most (I'm not saying all!) post-quantum hybrids so
far. This means saying no to brainpoolP256*+PQ, SM2+PQ, P-256+PQ, etc.

(Yes, people can register whatever they want and use it if client and
server agree, but it's reasonable to presume that Recommended=Y makes a
difference---otherwise, why is IETF maintaining that list?)

There have been other comments instead aiming for focusing on P-256.
That's a big enough split that making progress obviously requires
understanding the reasons for the divergence. The underlying rationales
raise interesting factual questions, and continued fact-finding by the
WG is a productive way forward.

---D. J. Bernstein

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