On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 10:35:39AM +1000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
> kath wrote:
> > I was thinking CVS... but not keeping changes local is important (so noone
> > is holding out on something important on accident).
> > 
> > Would CVS be able to do this?  I always thought CVS was more like a
> > different kind of FTP (How I've come to understand it is that you have
> > people that can update the source and others that can just view and download
> > it.  Am I missing something?)
> In open projects like most Sourceforge stuff, change access does 
> get restricted to keep L33t H4x0r5 from uploading nasty-things.
> In closed projects (internal to companies and such), it's usually
> the default case: anyone who has access to the tree has both read
> and write access.
> Each person would have to make sure they 'cvs commit' their changes
> when they've done changing things, and that they 'cvs add' any new
> files or directories they make. But so long as they do that, the
> CVS tree will remain up-to-date with the latest info.

As a matter of interest, how does CVS cope when: 
1. I checkout source and start editing.
2. You checkout the same source and start editing.
3. You finish editing and checkin your version.
4. I finish editing and checkin my version.

And we've both modified the same bits of the same files.


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