On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 09:08:42PM -0700 or thereabouts, Terry wrote:
> Suse Linux says: (quote)
> New! SuSE Blinux for Visually Impaired Customers

Whilst I'm all for the work SuSE did integrating this, Blinux has
been around for a long time. It's not just theirs :) 

http://leb.net/blinux/           -- Blind + Linux = BLINUX 

> > I was speaking with one of the staff at the Association for the Blind and
> > Visually-Impaired here in the Rochester, NY area, Louis Kline.  Lou
> > indicated that he would like to try to learn Linux, but there are no
> > resources for Linux-based adaptive technology or speech engines for
> > readers out there, not that he's been able to find.
> > 
> > Due to this, some of the staff had tried to run JAWS under X-Windows with
> > no success.

I don't know what JAWS is. I do know that there is at least -some- work
going on with relation to X enviroments. But most of the blind folks I
know use console. In Gnome, Sun have been been pushing adaptive technology
and have added an accessibility toolkit into the underlying stuff which
will be used in Gnome 2.0 (as I understand it), but it's certainly not
here quite yet. 

I will email the original person when I have found some links which are
more substantive than "I think", "I heard" and "someone told me" :)


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