Suse Linux says: (quote)

New! SuSE Blinux for Visually Impaired Customers

SuSE Linux 7.0 is the first Linux distribution to support installation
and applications in Braille. The new screen reader Blinux is a
daemon that runs in the background to enable partially sighted and
blind users to work comfortably in a Linux environment. This
program provides unrestricted use of all applications, allows users
to compile their own Linux kernel, and does not compromise
system security in any way.
(end quote)

I haven't tried it myself, but here's the link:

> I was speaking with one of the staff at the Association for the Blind and
> Visually-Impaired here in the Rochester, NY area, Louis Kline.  Lou
> indicated that he would like to try to learn Linux, but there are no
> resources for Linux-based adaptive technology or speech engines for
> readers out there, not that he's been able to find.
> Due to this, some of the staff had tried to run JAWS under X-Windows with
> no success.
> Does anyone on the List have any links to adaptive technology that is
> Linux-based?  If so, please drop Lou a line.  He is at [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
> Rochester, NY, or call him at 716.232.2222 at work.  He goes by his
> middle name (Kim) when he's in the office.
> 73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, Technical  Coordinator, WNY Section, ARRL
> ARRL Life Member, President/Brockport Amateur Radio Klub
> Ph - 716.494.1239

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