Encryption has to be supported on the server side, SPOP or something,
doesn't it?

Someone gave a talk at our LUG last year about it....buncha stuff about
handing out the keys and keeping the keyserver and the pop server talking

??  I don't remember all the details, and I can't place the link to the
presentation at the moment.

Has anyone deployed secure pop services?


On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Penguina wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Kelly McQuarrie wrote:
> > Hi Claudine:
> >
> > I've been using pine since I switch to unix so I can't compare it to
> > anything else.  Why do you like mutt better? Maybe I should switch?
> >
> > -Kelly
> I use pine, and I can tell you a few things I really don't like
> about it.  ^X (send) and ^C (cancel) are right next to each other.
> If you let things build up in your inbox, pine takes ages to sort
> it out on launch.  It has gotten confused and dropped mail from
> the inbox on occasion.  If you want to suspend a message in order
> to examine some late-breaking incoming mail message or check your
> facts in another -- rotsa ruck.  And then there's the security
> holes.
> > On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Claudine Chionh wrote:
> >
> > > you please.  Of course, 'power users' are more likely to use
> > > something like fetchmail to collect POP/IMAP mail independent of
> > > mail client.
> Hah!  And I thought I used fetchmail because I was too lazy to figure
> out how to get my mail client to do it.
> I'm a bit concerned about running fetchmail over an outside network,
> though -- it doesn't encrypt, does it?  Is there a way to set up
> fetchmail (or other mail clients that have that functionality built
> in) so that it *does* encrypt both the password and the data stream?
> Curiouser and curiouser.
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