Hi Claudine:
I've been using pine since I switch to unix so I can't compare it to
anything else. Why do you like mutt better? Maybe I should switch?
On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Claudine Chionh wrote:
> Hi Michelle and others,
> On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:24:05PM -0700, Michelle Dukich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I am on the quest for a mail client that is not going
> > to make me work so hard to make it work.
> What other mail clients (whatever OS) have you used in the past?
> It might make the difference in how much more you have to learn
> or having to change old habits.
> Personally, my response is always: Use Mutt.
> Need a GUI? Use Mutt-in-xterm.
> Stuck with Windows? Use Mutt under Cygwin.
> > I would prefer a GNOME solution. It will need to get
> > mail from several POP accounts with a good system for
> > folders and searching.
> Thankfully my mail servers provide IMAP access, but according to the
> Mutt documentation it seems you can access as many POP accounts as
> you please. Of course, 'power users' are more likely to use
> something like fetchmail to collect POP/IMAP mail independent of
> mail client.
> Folders: Mutt provides support for Maildir and MH style folders, which
> permit nested mail folders.
> Searching: You can use regular expressions to search mail indexes.
> I don't think there is any facility to search within message bodies
> (except one at a time), but you could just grep the mailboxes.
> http://www.mutt.org/ has a copy of the Mutt reference manual.
> Unfortunately, I can't advise on how Mutt compares with other Unix
> mail clients (except Pine), because I *always* use Mutt.
> Hope this helps,
> Claudine
> --
> geek historian - Melbourne, AU
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