At 16:42 31/05/2001, Julie wrote:

>From: Paul Hardacre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > At 16:15 31/05/2001, Julie wrote:
> > >I found that it's apparently not using the /etc/samba/smbusers
> > >file.  I had an entry "jfh = julie".  My Win98 machine was sending
> > >"julie" to my Linux box and Samba insisted that "julie" didn't
> > >exist.  I finally created a "julie" user and set its password with
> > >smbpasswd.
> > >
> > >So ... what's wrong with the smbusers file?  This is RedHat 7.1
> > >incase anyone cares.
> >
> > Hmmm.. I'm running RH7.1 here too on my box on my desk that I'm connected
> > to.. Could be the encrypted password problem that Kent mentioned. I don't
> > recall whether encrypted passwords was enabled or not.. If it was I'd have
> > instantly disabled it on this box cos I connect from Win95 and I don't
> > wanna fiddle with it cos it works (for the moment). Not too bothered about
> > security on this box since it's on a private net anyways. But encrypted
> > passwords in the smb.conf would be something worth checking.
>It's not an invalid password, the error message is
>"couldn't find user 'julie' in smb_passwd file"
>There was no user "julie", but I did have an entry
>jfh = julie
>in the smbusers file.

Apologies if you've checked this.. But, I did notice in my smb.conf that the

# Unix users can map to different SMB User names
;  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

lines in my config were commented out.. Was just something I noticed.. :/ 
Dunno if that would be it.. If you're using the smbpasswd file I wouldn't 
have thought it would have mapped though because it'd be using smb name and 
according to the man page it says "note that if encrypted 
pass­             words have been negotiated then Samba cannot revert 
back  to  checking  the UNIX password file, it must have a valid smbpasswd 
file to check users against."

Other than that I dunno.. :/


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