At 11:39 31/05/2001, you wrote:
>I'm trying to set up samba with my Windows 98 box as
>a client. On the windoze machine I do all of the Network
>Neighborhood crud so I can see the machine. When I
>click on it's name I get prompted for a password for
>file://SERVER/IPC$ and no matter what I enter it tells
>me "Incorrect password". I can't find any documentation
>in the manpages on an "IPC$" resource.
IPC$ is a system share that's used for communication. Basically it's trying
to get a list of shares.
One thing to check with Windows connecting to samba is that it uses the
username from the Client for Microsoft Networks. This one's caught me out a
few times. There's a file in /etc/samba that you can use to map samba users
to unix users (if you're using the unix passwd file or possibly PAM to
authenticate samba users), or you can go down the route of using an
smbpasswd file, or using a PDC to authenticate users. The mapping file is
/etc/samba/smbusers, they're in the format "unix_user = samba_user1
samba_user2 samba_userx"
I hope that helps and makes sense..
Paul (Slightly sleepy)