On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 12:28:50AM -0400 or thereabouts, Stephanie Maksylewich wrote:
> When I boot into Linux, Red Hat says at one point to hit I for interactive
> boot. If I let that go by and let it boot by itself, when it gets to the
> logon prompt, the keyboard is locked. It's like the keyboard is
> disconnected, I can't even get the capslock or numlock lights on.
> Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't work. Nothing works. I have to hit the reset button
> to get anything. However, if I boot with the I for interactive, then sit
> there and hit Rtn for every single question, then when it gets to the logon
> prompt, the keyboard works.
Under RH7.0 (I ain't at my RH6.2 box just now), the "interactive" startup
bit is in /etc/rc.d/rc and is simply a function call to ask for a Y, N, C
(continue). The only answer that makes anything different is a "Yes" (see
This is the bit of /etc/rc.d/rc that does the confirmation process...
# If we're in confirmation mode, get user confirmation
[ -n "$CONFIRM" ] &&
confirm $subsys
case $? in
# the following line is the *only* thing that's different if you choose to
# go with the "interactive" startup. Does a colon as a command do anything?
This is the "confirm function called above...
# Confirm whether we really want to run this service
confirm() {
echo -n "Start service $1 (Y)es/(N)o/(C)ontinue? [Y] "
read answer
case $answer in
return 0
return 2
return 1
confirm $1
return $?
Conor Daly
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