Hello all,
I joined this list a few days ago, and have enjoyed reading the various
topics that have been covered in that short time.
I've been using Linux at work for almost two years, using Red Hat 5.1 to run
a relational database system called D3 (formerly Pick). I'm the 'system
administrator', 'network administrator' and also make up the entire IT
department, programming staff, etc etc. so like everyone else I'm short on
time and while things aren't 'broke' I usualy don't try fixing them...
But I'd like to get a little caught up with the rest of the Linux world, so
I'm trying out 6.2 (got it cheap) to see if our version of D3 works ok with
that before I order the latest version. (The release of D3 we have claims
it works with Red Hat 5.0 only, but I'm hoping they're just being over
Anways, here is my question...
I've installed RH6.2 onto a Toshiba laptop (not running X yet, just the bash
shell) and got things up and running all right, with one huge and
aggravating exception:
When I boot into Linux, Red Hat says at one point to hit I for interactive
boot. If I let that go by and let it boot by itself, when it gets to the
logon prompt, the keyboard is locked. It's like the keyboard is
disconnected, I can't even get the capslock or numlock lights on.
Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't work. Nothing works. I have to hit the reset button
to get anything. However, if I boot with the I for interactive, then sit
there and hit Rtn for every single question, then when it gets to the logon
prompt, the keyboard works.
I apologize if this is a lame question... but it's late and I'm stumped.
It's ok for my own test-computer, as long as I remember to use the I
function I'm ok, but I can't use it at work till I understand what it's
Details... Red Hat 6.2 custom (everything) installed onto Toshiba Sattelite
2230CDS, 6GB hdd, (partitions, WinME, /boot, [d3], swap, /, /home), 32MB
ram, PS/2 mouse.
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