Whoa!!!  Let's not get the legal system present in the US of A confused
with he Rest of the World!

I realize that the spin in Washington is that 'Everyone Should Work Like
US...", but it's just no so.

I am hosting an exchange student from Germany this year.  When I poked
amongst the files in the home computer and asked Katharina about deleting
some of the extra files to conserve space, I got an irate reply from her
parents, forwarded by the exchange student coordinator.

She complained to her folks, they contacted the German embassy, they
contacted ASSE and I was "requested" to not violate Kathi's privacy as
looking in her Email directory would be a criminal offense in Germany,
possibly earning me a stay in the slam!

Another case, this one thru a coworker.  In the process of trying to
track down an unsolicited advertiser, getting nothing though their EU ISP
he contacted their local Consulate and was rebuffed.  It seems that
sending E-Scams is not illegal from an individual and is only discouraged
from a company.  That same action from an individual in the US of A would
have gotten an unfriendly visit from the FBI or similar group, the hard
drive and/or computer would have been seized, etc...

Not knowing what kind of Porn was/is being downloaded it's hard to say
how much of a problem it is/was.  My pictures of my nephew in the bath
got me in trouble with a member of our church, with even the suggestions
that pix of my brother bathing his 6-month-old son were "Dirty".  Matthew
was, but now he's clean (for an hour or so anyway)

Oh well, back into my hole here.  I'll get the immediate disasters under
control and actually get Caldera installed one of these millennia...

73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, Technical  Coordinator, WNY Section, ARRL
ARRL Life Member, President/Brockport Amateur Radio Klub
Ph - 716.494.1239
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