Hi Liese,
On Fri, 25 May 2001, Liese wrote:
> And thats just http. Include email in the picture and it will become
> apparent how desperate i really am.. The shit that is send by email is
> unbelievable. Porn, jokes, virusses, hoaxes, ...
Hm, well, you don't have a limitation regarding the size of e-mail
> We send mails, put up notices, warn people, ask people, beg people but
> nothing helps.
Not an unusual problem.
> And we are not allowed to step up to a user and say "hey, our logs show
> that last month you've been surfing porn sites for over 20 hours, you must
> stop this", or "We've noticed you have about 100MB of pornography
> attachments on your drive, you are wasting important bandwidth". This is
> against the law because it is a violation of privacy ( i live in
> belgium/europe)
Hm, I (living in Germany) had an employer who actually did so ... I'm not
quite sure whether you may do so, if people are warned by an announcement.
> Is there anybody who has been in the same position and found a way to
> control it better, the legal way.. I could press charges, saying that i -
> as a woman - feel sexualy offended by some of the things i come across when
> fixing some of the computerproblems.
I wouldn't say anything. I stumbled upon some files on a user's hard drive
some weeks ago, when I had to solve a problem (this user btw is an expert
for Internet affairs and copyright). It makes me sick to think of that,
but I don't like to show weak spots.
-- Anne
(working in user support)
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