> actually, nowadays SUNs are bootable without loosing uptime. it's
> really weird, but i guess that's a nice feature, but it requires some
> kind of magic before booting.
err, something made me hit 'send' before finishing the email.
in our tech-section we have this joke about booting suns without
loosing uptime. one computer was supposed to be booted.
at some point everyone started asking why it hadn't been booted,
since it's uptime was still high and this guy came like 'what? didn't
you know there's this new feature in sun?'
and he went on telling us how he had booted it without loosing it's
uptime etc. for a second we (really, including also others than me
:> ) believed there was some feature or hack or magic word that could
do that. for a second he almost got us ;)
anyway, unfortunately it wasn't true ;)
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